2021 Services and Fee Schedule* (taken as an example from ccw dispute resolution)
1. Hearing fee per day or part-day (includes preparation of award) $4,000.00
2. Interest arbitration fee per day (includes preparation of award) $5,000.00
3. Mediation fee per day or part-day $4,000.00
4. Wrongful dismissal mediation (1/2 day) $2,500.00
5. Executive Sessions held on day other than the hearing date up to $4,000.00
6. Cancellation fees
i) notification of cancellation received between 15 and 30
days prior to a scheduled date 35% of fee
ii) notification of cancellation received 14 days or fewer
prior to a scheduled date 50% of fee
iii) notification received prior to initial day of hearing pursuant to
an appointment under section 49 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 $1,500.00
7. Conference calls, complex interim awards and review of briefs lengthy
or post-hearing written submissions up to $400/hr.
8. Disbursements (e.g. travel, hearing room, accommodation, meals,
conference call fees etc.) as incurred
9. Charges may be included for significant travel time on days prior to
or following hearings or meetings. up to $400/hr.
10. H.S.T. will be charged on all fees and disbursements. H.S.T. #
* In the event of a disagreement related to fees, I agree to be bound by any determination made by the Fee Mediation Service of the OLMAA.